Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Find Happiness in Random Things

I'm not an easily bored person, but when I do, I can do the most random things ever. One time, I was waiting for a friend in a geek convention , the next thing I know, I'm already assigned to a regional Star Wars community. But, then again, what's wrong with a little randomness in our life. It definitely sparks up your ordinary days. So this list I made, is a lot of realistic ideas of what you can do right now, because it doesn't spend so much money ( like I won't suggest an impromptu trip to Egypt ), but yes, it requires efforts. And as for me, I always find happiness in simple things. This is how a person like me enjoying life. 
You're welcome.

1. Sign to any community in your neighborhood or town, the ones you're interested. Or if you can't find one, make one. I always wanted to be able to initiate a movement. 

2. Find any street food near your house that you never tried before. 

3. Try a new recipe, even if you don't like to cook. You'll be thrilled to try things you never done before. And no, I don't accept "I can't cook", seriously, how hard can it be ? It's all there in the recipes. Even a 5-minutes-microwave chocolate cake will do. 

4. Watch Finding Bigfoot episodes on Youtube. Or Whale Wars. 

5. Go clean slate with your bedroom. Cleaning, managing mess and clutters, or throw everything away and start over with your room, I don't care. I think making your bedroom comfortable enough is worth it. It doesn't have to be IKEA full-furnished. Well managed with a little DIY decorations is enough. Having a new managed bedroom is like having a new chapter of life, I'm telling you. 

6. Open Youtube, find any HIIT training or Yoga. Equipment free and yes, it makes you healthier. Move that butt now, no excuse. I suggest FitnessBlender :)

7. Buy old, secondhand magazines. Doesn't matter if it's an old issue, they still have many useful informations. In Indonesia you can get three old magazines for only IDR 15000 ( around $13.5 )

8. Buy secondhand books. There's nothing like it. Or borrow some from your bookworm friends. 

9. Find a cheap or free exhibitions and shows in your town. Even if it doesn't sound like you, like an indie theatrical play, infamous concert, book reading, or maybe an art show.

10. Go to airport, take some company or alone. You can enjoy the cafes and restaurants while embracing the vibes of people going on holidays. 

11. Plan a potluck gathering with your friends or cousins. You don't have to wait for special occasions. You can make it a movie marathon night, a board games or karaoke night. 

12. Meet a friend you haven't seen in a long time. Check your phone contacts. Oooh, you got plenty, right ?

13. Watch an old Hollywood movie, from 1940s-1960s. That old Hollywood accent will stay in your head for days. 

14. Bake cupcakes or muffins. Give it to the homeless, tell them you baked it yourself :)

15. Turn off any kind of unessential social media like Instagram, Path, Twitter or Facebook for days. Try Flipboard, Medium, Zomato or Pinterest instead. 

Wisata Yogyakarta : Sisi Lain

Cerita lama, sebuah perjalanan di tengah 2013. Bukan kota baru juga untuk saya, karena saya sudah sering ke Yogyakarta setiap tahun sekali. Tapi saya belum pernah lihat Yogyakarta dari sisi yang satu ini.

Sebenarnya ini adalah perjalanan akademis mahasiswa Arsitektur untuk mempelajari arsitektur regional di Yogyakarta. Saya nggak akan banyak bahas sisi arsitekturnya, saya akan lebih membahas hal-hal yang menyenangkan yang saya ingat, sekadar mengisi waktu menunggui Eyang yang sedang sakit. Awalnya kami berniat menggunakan jasa travel agent, supaya nggak repot dan bisa fokus pada studi. Tapi ternyata harganya jauh beda dengan apabila kita mengurus sendiri. Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk mengurus sendiri dengan sistem bagi-bagi tugas. 

Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Weekend Di Desa Gamboeng

Memang bukan resort getaway yang mewah, tapi buat saya, bangun pagi-pagi dikelilingi perbukitan hijau dan udara sejuk bikin bahagia lahir batin.

It was actually not even a resort, lebih tepatnya Pusat Penelitian Teh dan Kina di Desa Gamboeng, Jawa Barat. Nggak ada pula cottage-cottage liburan dan hospitality service 24 jam. Kami sekeluarga besar menginap di sebuah mess yang cukup luas dengan jumlah kamar yang cukup banyak. Makannya pun kami bawa sendiri, dengan sistem potluck jadinya melimpah deh. Mulai dari roti-roti, wedang jahe, pisang rebus sampai tumpeng dan daging kambing buat barbecue malam harinya ! 

Pagi hari, setelah sarapan khas ndesa, kami sekeluarga trekking keliling wilayah PPTK, yang mostly berupa perbukitan hijau ( It was perfect green ! ) . Rasanya saya detoksifikasi jiwa dan fisik, bisa olahraga ringan sekalian cuci mata. Medannya nggak susah , walaupun Om saya sempat mengajak ke daerah yang medannya agak terjal, but a little bit of challenge adds more fun, right ? Lebih asiknya, keluarga besar saya yang satu sudah extended ke kancah internasional, maksudnya ada beberapa anggota keluarga yang merupakan warga negara asing, seperti dari Mexico dan Swiss. Jadi lebih seru deh !

See ? Quick getaway doesn't have to be expensive and luxurious. For me, all I need is my favorite crowd, pemandangan alam dan pisang rebus tentunya :D

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